Interdisciplinary studies in pedology and geomorphology

Research projects:

Drainage anomalies in Planalto Paulistano and Serra do Mar

Description: The project integrates a group of scientific research and master’s students who study drainage anomalies, which are more related to stream capture, according to the methodology proposed in the PhD thesis by Oliveira (2003).

Professor in charge: Déborah de Oliveira (


Morphodynamic analysis of Praia do Góes (Guarujá) based on topographic profiles, coastal transport models, and shoreline projection

Description: Project about the morphodynamics analysis of Praia do Góes (Guarujá) based on topographic profiles, coastal transport models, and shoreline projection.

Professor in charge: Celia Regina de Gouveia Souza (


Evaluation of diversity in patterns of waterways and geodiversity in Amazonia – application and discussion in the Xingu River Basin

Description: We performed mappings of fluvial morphology to 23 selected areas as representative of the diversity of patterns of waterways in the considered watershed. This characterisation proved the great diversity of patterns of waterways in the studied area, demonstrating the relevance of this parameter as an indicative of geodiversity and also serving as a basis for the inclusion of this variable in methodology of mapping geodiversity indexes of the Xingu River Basin.

Professor in charge: Cleide Rodrigues (


One hundred years of urbanisation  and changes in hydrogeomorphological systems in the metropolitan region of São Paulo

Description: The research aims to survey and systematize data on physical environment, especially geographical and cartographic data, to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate major changes that occurred in the hydrogeomorphological systems of the Alto Tietê River Basin and in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. These changes are analyzed in several space-temporal cut-outs and scales and related to various contexts regarding urban space production.

Professor in charge: Cleide Rodrigues (


Differentiation of karstic landscapes on siliciclastic rocks in Serra do Espinhaço Meridional

Description: This research aims to identify and study processes and mechanisms of change and paedogenesis responsible for differentiation of the smooth landform and the appearance of karstic morphology.

Professor in charge: Rosely Pacheco Dias Ferreira (


Soil education in elementary school

Description: The project aims to study and develop teaching materials on soils and the research on the subject soil in elementary school. This is an university culture and extension project in partnership with: Projeto Solo na Escola [Soil in School Project] ESALQ-USP, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos de Azevedo; Projeto Solo na Escola of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), under sub-coordination of Prof. Dr. Marcelo Ricardo de Lima; and Museu de Ciências da Terra [Museum of Earth Sciences] of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), under coordination of Prof. Dr. Cristine Carole Muggler. The activities will be carried out on the facilities of Parque CienTec, of the University of São Paulo, where visitors will be received and courses for teacher training will be offered.

Professor in charge: Déborah de Oliveira (


Study on relief morphology and hydromorphic properties of soils and deposits in the lower sector of slopes and river plains in the upper Cotia river basin – São Paulo

Description: Study on relief morphology and hydromorphic properties of soils and deposits in the lower sector of slopes and river plains in the upper Cotia river basin – São Paulo

Professor in charge: Cleide Rodrigues (



Study on the relations between relief/lithology/soil/drainage in several scales

Description: This research aims to study the relationship between relief, lithology, soil, and drainage in several scales. In these interactions, there may be a predominance of one of these elements over the others, for instance, the hydrography on the study on stream capture.

Professor in charge: Déborah de Oliveira (


Geomorphosynthesis and geomorphocinematic applied to slope stability and evolution

Description: This project aims to produce technology able to synthesize slope units and aggregate stability experiments incorporating deterministic models, aimed at parameterizing occurrences of mass movements.

Professor in charge: Antonio Carlos Colangelo (


Anthropic interventions and hydromorphodynamic effects on urbanised fluvial systems of São Paulo in climate changes times

Description: The project aims to assess the role of the anthropic variable in recent hydromorphodynamic changes of urban fluvial systems in greater São Paulo. The project has as spatial cut-out selected study areas in the upper Tietê River Basin (BAT), analyzed over a period of approximately 100 years. It is being developed by correlation of indicators of fluvial morphology and anthropogenic morphology with indicators of pluvial and fluvial extreme events, and by evolutive cartographic analysis, archival research, and geostatic analyses.

Professor in charge: Cleide Rodrigues (


Morphodynamic mapping of the Anavilhanas archipelago. Contribution to the studies on fluvial geomorphology

Description: PhD scholarship student. Amazonas Research Foundation (FAPEAM) – term: 09 months divided in two periods: from April to July, 2011, and from March to July, 2012. Modality: HR – Interinstitutional – Continuous flow. Notice no. 002/2011

Professor in charge: Cleide Rodrigues (


APA management plan of the Tietê River Valley

Description: Management plan of Environmental Protection Area of the Tietê River Valley.

Professor in charge: Cleide Rodrigues (


Management plans for Conservation Units of Rodoanel - South Beltway

Description: This project has as main objective the elaboration of a geomorphological mapping as a grant for the elaboration of the management plan for Rodoanel - South Beltway parks.

Professor in charge: Cleide Rodrigues (


Morphodynamic processes in humid tropical environment: evaluation, modelling, and forecast

Description: This research seeks to understand the dynamics of morphodynamic processes, specifically mass and erosion movements, in an attempt to identify the areas most susceptible to shallow landslide in Serra do Mar, regarding the relationship between morphological parameters and development of erosive linear features in the midwest region of São Paulo.

Professor in charge: Bianca Carvalho Vieira (


Pedological and hydrochemical processes in the Alto Paraguai Watershed, Pantanal

Description: The objectives of this project are: to understand the role of plains in the chemical elements flow; to study soil systems in two regions chemically contrasted, Nhecolândia and Nabileque; and to develop a typology of Nhecolândia salinas based on geochemical and biogeochemical additional criteria.

Professor in charge: Sonia Maria Furian (


Relationships between soils and reliefs

Description: Through these studies we seek to find spatial and temporal relations between soils and landforms, in particular slope/topography. Soils are analysed through the application of procedures for structural analysis of the pedological cover, which allows, at the same time, to define the shape of the slope and the spatialisation of the two target objects.

Professor in charge: José Pereira de Queiroz Neto (